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Whether your gay or straight, male or female, it's hard not to swoon over actor Matt Bomer's performance in Magic Mike. It was the first gay wedding on reality TV and was also super cute and filled with joy. The pair received a lot of buzz as they starred and got married in a reality TV show for E! called Lance Loves Michael: The Lance Bass Wedding. But that's all in the past now and Bass has a happy marriage that's in the public eye to artist/actor/hottie Michael Turchin.

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But even worse is that Bass also claims to have been almost bullied into coming out by internet bloggers such as Perez Hilton. It's a real shame, but maybe people weren't so accepting and open back in the 90s and early 2000s. He's spoken about how coming out when the band were at the peak of their fame could have affected their success. 12 Lance Bass and Michael Turchinįormer *NSYNC singer Lance Bass seems to have a tough coming out story. It blows my mind.” Take a look at their photos on Instagram to see just how cute they are. In an interview, Jackson said, “We got sober together. It seems the two are just perfect for each other. The pair reportedly fell in love straight away and were engaged within just six months before getting married in 2014. He actually met his now-husband while they were both in rehab, which makes for an interesting love story. Actor/singer Cheyenne Jackson is mostly known for his roles on the hit TV shows Glee and 30 Rock.

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